What we certify

Galicia Quality certifies the quality of products and services guaranteed by their Galician origin, made in Galicia, being made with Galician raw material or with a Galician design, deserving this distinction, once it has been ascertained by the appropriate controls.

The conditions for products and services to achieve the quality mark of approval are set forth in the Regulation of Usage of the Guarantee Seal and in the specifications.

  • Agricultural and agri-food products produced in Galicia, once they have passed the quality control requirements established by Galicia Quality. Those benefiting from a quality seal of origin, such as designations of origin, protected geographical indications, etc, can access to it after formalizing the application for entry and provided they meet the specifications established by the certification mark.
  • The food products that are manufactured in Galicia using main raw materials of Galician origin, when they provide added value or where there is a productive sector of social and economic interest for Galicia (dairy products, wood, etc.)
  • Service companies that have recognized quality seals and approved, as the Q of quality tourism facilities will be certified by Galicia Quality provided they comply with the specifications established.
  • Those products made from the design and creation of Galician companies that generate added value and intrinsic (know how, traditions, etc.) in Galicia (fashion, shipbuilding, automotive, etc.).


They may choose Galicia Quality seal products made by companies:

  • Based in the territory of the Autonomous Community of Galicia
  • That have a production centre in Galicia
  • Which Process its products in Galicia

Companies must comply with the specifications approved by Galicia Quality for each sector and undergo regular audits.

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