![Who we are](/sites/default/files/galicia_calidade/quensomos_img_v02_0.png)
The Xunta de Galicia (Autonomous Government) created by Decreto 382/1994, del 15 de diciembre, the corporation Galicia Calidade, S.A.U., to manage and authorize the use of the trademark Galicia Calidade (Galician Quality) for all products and services entitled to it, for its processing in Galicia, for having Galician raw material or design, once their quality has been ascertain through appropriate mechanisms of monitoring and auditing.
![Galicia Calidade](/sites/default/files/galicia_calidade/anosahistoria_img.png)
Galicia Quality brand emerged after the full identification of government, companies and society with the slogan of an advertising campaign developed in 1991 by the Xunta de Galicia. In 1995, the Galician government incorporated the public company, following the passing of Decree 382/1994.
Since then, this public company has certified the quality of more than 170 companies and 850 products from the most representative sectors of the Galician economy, such as textile - fashion, jewelry, ornamental stones , tourism, food and agriculture and fishing, among many others.
In July 2014, the Council of the Xunta de Galicia agreed to convert Galicia Quality into the umbrella brand for the Galician economy in order to boost their competitiveness in foreign markets. Thus it provides new criteria for certified products and other labels of origin to be able to use the emblem of Galicia Quality.
The regulations for the use of the brand Galicia Quality, passed by the Board of Directors, provides for the conditions to be entitled to use the graphic symbol that guarantees the quality of the products and services that are obtained, processed or transformed in Galicia. The public entity Galicia Calidade S.A.U. is the owner of the brand as it is so recorded in the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office , and is responsible for its management and administration.
Galicia Calidade S.A.U. is wholly owned by the Galician Administration and is attached to the Galician Tourism Agency (Decree 48/2024 of 22 April). The management bodies are made up of:
- Board of Directors, made up of the director of the Galician Tourism Agency; one person from each of the areas of Economy, Rural Affairs, the Sea and the Treasury, appointed by the heads of the respective departments; a representative of the Galician Tourism Agency; and the person responsible for implementing the Xunta's media and audiovisual policy.
Don José Manuel Merelles Remy
Don Martín Alemparte Vidal
Don Augusto Álvarez-Borrás Massó
Don Manuel Vidal Martín
Don Antonio Basanta Fernández
Don Pedro Francisco Rojo Otero
Don José Antonio Casas Calviño
Don José María Pita Ponte - President, who is the person occupying the post of holder of the General Directorate of Commerce and has, among other duties, the role of leading this company.
- Managing director, which has among his/her tasks to manage the business organization of the company and its corporate business.
On 29 July 2024, the Council of the Xunta de Galicia approved the modification of the Statutes of Galicia Calidade S.A.U., which establish that Galicia Calidade is a public limited company, whose share capital is wholly publicly owned and whose objectives and purposes include the management and administration of the Galicia Calidade brand. Specifically, it must:
- Grant licences, exercising effective control measures on the nature, quality and characteristics of products certified with the Galicia Calidade seal.
- The management and administration of any other brand related to the quality of Galician products and services that may be entrusted to them.
- Any type of action or activity of communication, promotion of any kind, advertising, corporate reputation, sponsorship, participation in fairs, events, institutional events or institutional representation, alone or in collaboration with any other company, person or public or private entity.
The company is considered an instrument and a technical service by the Administration of the Community of Galicia and its autonomous bodies.
The Board of Directors is chaired by the head of the Galician Tourist Board.